Relationships benefit self-esteem

Up until middle school, kids only view the opposing gender as “gross” and someone with “cooties.” But slowly as children mature they begin to see boys or girls in a different way. Boys begin the attempts to impress girls, and girls start developing crushes on boys. Soon, short and sweet middle school relationships emerge, bringing drama and gossip. But thankfully the eventual, serious high school relationships are formed holding more promise than the previous ones.
Several students may argue for the “single life” in high school, claiming the benefits for the increased attention on other focuses besides a relationship and the overall ability to be independent. But being “exclusive” with someone might have more advantages than previously thought. According to “Northwestern Medicine,” being in a committed relationship causes less stress due to the decreased production of the stress hormone, cortisol. Additionally, research has shown longer life expectancy for those who are involved in a romantic relationship. It can even have a larger impact on avoiding death than taking a blood pressure medication.
To accompany the psychological benefits, being in a relationship with someone can make each person in the couple feel more secure as they can always count on each other to be their partner in class or to sit next to them at lunch. Furthermore, Homecoming, Prom and Valentine’s Day are much less stressful since neither person in the relationship has to fuss with finding a date or someone to be their valentine.
A relationship also means being able to rely on someone to always be there for you and have a person you can trust.
“My favorite part about being in a relationship is that I know I can hangout with them when I want, and I know I can trust them with anything,” Dani S. 22’ said.
Additionally, it is good to have someone you can talk to about anything; being in a relationship can be just like having another best friend.
“Having someone that I can trust and also having a person to talk to about my problems without the fear of being judged,” are two reasons why Edward K. ‘21 enjoys being in a relationship.
Another advantage to having a significant other is the benefits on holidays. While just having someone on holidays such as Christmas or birthdays is nice, it also means an extra gift from someone you care about. Also, picking out the perfect gift for your boyfriend/girlfriend can be rewarding and a good use of time around the holiday season.
Overall, being in a relationship can be a positive addition to your life regardless of previous assumptions that being single is better. While not everyone needs a significant other to be happy, a relationship can make you more content with yourself through a boyfriend or girlfriend seeing all of the great qualities you should see in yourself.