Technology influences social issues with teens


Generation Z has sought technology as a tool. An engrained tool which has provided efficiency and speed for every walk of life. However, social media is still debated as a source for inspiration and a negative charm for teens.

According to dosomething,”approximately 80 percent of teens use a cell phone regularly,”

With this mass of teens using a cell phone, some argue technology has a major influence on this generation in their younger years. However, in some cases technology’s power is used for good rather than evil.

“My younger ones have to use technology to check on assignments for school,” intervention specialist Kimberly Hoyt said.

Yet, for others, social media has created several negative impacts as the addictive nature reigns into teenage years.

According to northshore,”The more time adolescents are engaged from social media outlets, the higher risk there is for poor sleep, low self esteem, and increases in depression and anxiety,”


Another way technology has influenced adolescents is through the apps and websites consume their time. On one hand it is disputed that the World Wide Web enhances teens immensely.  

“The internet has multiple sources on a single topic, so teens can compile information for research,” Hoyt said.

Also, educational apps have made into the discussion as a way to improve academics.

“I think Powerschool and Schoology positively influences teens because they can check their grades and reminders for their teachers,” Hoyt said

However, there are other applications that are contented as dominators in adolescents lives.

With evidence supporting both sides, it is difficult to decipher if social media has impacted teens in a positive or negative way. So, I conducted a social experiment to decipher for myself. This social experiment consisted of being prohibited to look at these apps for a full week.

While the thought of being away from social media seems impossible for most teenagers, a majority have taken breaks from these platforms.


According to apnorc,“Sixty-five percent of teens have taken a voluntary break from social media; half left their social media platform involuntarily,”

One of the reasons teens do not take breaks is because of information on news, family and friends.

Monday Dec.4: The first day is always the hardest. It was so tempting to click on the latest pictures and updates from family and friends.

Tuesday Dec.5: I got a little better with not checking social media. It was a bit of the same old routine like on Monday.

Wednesday Dec.6: I was crazy busy between school, piano lessons, and homework, I didn’t even have time to check my phone that day.

Thursday Dec.7: I had a rough day at school and to do list items took up my mind which caused me to be overwhelmed and stressed. Up until this point, I had not realized that I cut off music along with social media as well. So I took the time to indulge myself in relaxation with genres of music filling my ears.

Friday Dec.8: It was the same old routine at school. Yet, after school, it was hard not watch Youtube or look at Instagram after I finished homework.

Saturday Dec.9: I was also busy this day between studying for school, work, and cleaning the house for a Christmas party. So yet again, I did not have time to look at my phone.


Sunday Dec.10: Sundays are the only days where I actually can relax and enjoy myself. This made it difficult to not indulge in Youtube videos for 8 hours straight. Nevertheless, I entertained myself by reading and practicing piano.

In the end, I have found a break from social media is what a young adult needs once in a while. The world won’t have drastic change in a week. Life will still be the same except with the privilege of new inventions to connect to the world around us or to make life more easy.