Study hall restrains students

Olentangy buckles down on study hall rules, now enforcing the rule of a silent study hall. With two exceptions, the cafeteria and room 1259 are not silent.

The rule caused conflict between students and teachers. Amanda Trostle, the AP history teacher is a study halls monitor this year.

AP history teacher Amanda Trostle

“[A silent study hall] is the only way I’d have it. I think it’s super important for [the study halls] to be quiet.  That way students get their work done and come here to do what needs to be done,” Trostle said. 

Some students are not pleased their study hall is quiet.

“I’d rather talk to people because I don’t always have homework, and now I just have to sit on my phone for the period,” Ashlyn S. ‘21 said.

Ashlyn has study hall 9/10.

Ashlyn S. ’21

Unlike some, others are pleased they be will able to get their work done without distractions.

“I think [the study hall setup is] good. The teachers work efficiently to keep everyone quiet, and I get my work done,” Mason W. ‘20  said. 

Mason W. ’20

Amy Miller is the cultural cuisine teacher and monitors one study hall.

“I love having the study hall. That way I can meet new people who I wouldn’t meet otherwise. I understand some people take in the quiet in other ways but they all have ear buds and they can create their own noise,” Miller said.