Phone jails lock in controversy

There are the basic needs of life: food, water, shelter and clothing. Although for teenagers, cell phones can be added to the list. Bowed heads, lit screens and typing fingers are commonplace among this generation who grew up in an evolving technological society.

Armed with endless distractions, these devices cause issues within the classroom. Teachers are tired of fighting a battle against the enemy in every student’s pocket, ready to be pulled out at any moment. Because of this, they have resorted to drastic means phone jails.

Upon entering a classroom, students are now greeted by a collection bin or organizer where their phones must be left until the end of the period. Students must learn to survive a whole 50 minutes without the comfort of their cell phone in their back pockets. This is the torture of living without a device.

This phenomenon has swept through the school, with multiple teachers utilizing a cell phone jail to keep order and attention in the classroom.

“I use a cell phone jail just to eliminate the temptation of using a cell phone during class entirely,” French teacher Erin Gavula said.

However, not all parties are pleased with the arrangement. Students reluctant to give up their phones find themselves fighting against teachers who have instituted the policy.

“Phone jails make me anxious. I don’t like not having my phone with me because you never know what could happen in any given situation. I think as long as students keep their phone off, there is no need for a phone jail in a classroom,” sophomore Madison B. said.

Whether they’re accepted or not, phone jails have become inevitable. Teachers feel students cannot be trusted to handle the distractions cell phones provide, so they must be taken away. Students feel teachers invade their personal property in an unnecessary manner. Neither side will budge, and the debate becomes more intense as the days go by. Only time will tell who will be victorious in the epic phone jail battle of 2016.


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