Teacher joins ‘Tangy

An increase of students at Olentangy High School calls for more teachers. With at least one new teacher per department, the faculty continues to grow.

“Olentangy has a support system unlike anywhere else, and I’m super lucky to be a part of that,” Layne Jones, English, broadcast journalism and world mythology teacher said.


The pressure educators endure everyday includes dealing with a copious amount of issues such as students, parents and administrators, on top of their daily routine limits the amount of people who have the ability to fulfill the position.

“When you tell people you work at a high school they roll their eyes and think it’s some disgusting place filled with delinquents and drama queens, but Olentangy is nothing like that. I love my students. They’re motivated, respectful and overall awesome,” Jones said.

For the rest of the faculty and students, they are excited to work with the new members and help them grow and develop as educators.

“It’s really weird seeing students that attended Olentangy come here and teach. Like you were my student now your my co-worker,” Amy Poston, math teacher said.

Teachers at Olentangy (new and old) are coming together to form the family that is Olentangy.