About “The Beacon Online”
The Beacon Online is a student-run publication at Olentangy High School. Advanced Journalism students are given the job to inform, educate and entertain their peers, teachers, administrators and community about events at and effecting OHS, as well as other events going on in their world. The articles on the site reflect the views of the writer or the staff and do not necessarily reflect the views, as a whole, of the school or school officials. The online and print content are advised by Ellie MacDowell and Jessica Roads, along with the Editor-in-Chief, Caitlin O. ’25.
The articles and videos on this website are original to the students. Photos included with stories are original to the student, granted permission to print from the source directly, or found within the filter of Fair Use Images.
For the privacy of our student body, student sources will only be mentioned online with the first name, last initial, and graduation year.
Policy Statement:
The Beacon Online is an independent news website of Olentangy High School, published by the Newspaper Journalism students. The Beacon Online has been established as a designated public forum for student journalists to inform, educate and entertain their readers as well as for discussion of issues of concern to their audience. It will not be reviewed or restrained by school officials, adults, or sources prior to publication. Advisers may and should coach and discuss content during the writing process. Because school officials do not engage in prior review, and the content of The Beacon is determined and reflects only the views of the student staff and not the school officials or the school itself, its student editorial board or student editors assume complete legal and financial liability for the content of the publication.
Readers may respond to Beacon content and other issues through letters to the editor. Letters can be emailed to ohsbeacon@gmail.com or dropped off to room 2506/2507. An honest attempt to publish all letters will be made. Letters must be signed, and any letters which are judged libelous, obscene and materially disruptive to school or an invasion of privacy will not be printed. The editors reserve the right to edit all letters.
Editorials or opinion columns representing the views of an individual Beacon Online staff member carry bylines. The views in opinion columns do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Beacon Online staff, the high school faculty or the administration.
Accuracy is a major goal of The Beacon Online; therefore, major error will be acknowledged and corrected in the next issue.
The print edition of The Beacon, with separate content than that of the website, can be purchased eight times a year for $1 per issue, or by subscription for $12 and $18 for extended subscriptions to be mailed outside of the school. Advertising can be purchased in The Beacon by calling the business manager at 740-657-4100 ext. 2198 or displayed online by using SNO Advertising to support student journalism.
The Beacon Online is a member of the Journalism Education Association, Ohio Scholastic Media Association and Ohio Capital Conference Academic League. The advisers are Ellie MacDowell and Jessica Roads.