Nation becomes familiar with masks
A boy wears a Spiderman face mask amid the spread of the new coronavirus in Bogota, Colombia, Thursday, April 30, 2020. (AP Photo/Fernando Vergara)
As of March, masks have become an everyday accessory. At the mall, a restaurant, work, school or even athletic events, there are masks everywhere. People have started to keep them in their cars and bags just in case they forget to grab one as they leave their house.
On July 23, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced a state-wide mask mandate, which enforced masks to be worn in all public places.
“I always keep my masks right by the door so on the way out I will see them and remember to grab one. I always have some extra [masks] in my car as well,” Caroline H. ‘23 said.
The purpose of masks is to prevent the spread of Coronavirus, but in order for a mask to be effective it must be worn the correct way. According to Johns Hopkins, the correct way to wear a mask is over your mouth and nose, wash or change masks often and refrain from the use of others’ masks.
“If you do not wear a mask the specific way you’re supposed to, it will not work as well as it should to keep other people safe, ” Liv J. ‘22 said.
There are different types of masks to choose from which makes it hard to know what to get. From plain disposable masks to cheap, cute homemade cloth masks, they both have the same purpose.
According to the National Public Radio, medical masks such as KN95, N95 respirators and surgical masks are the most effective masks but should be reserved for medical workers first.
When it comes to fabric masks, “‘The tightness of the weave is really important. That’s the first thing I would ask people to look into,’ said Supratik Guha, a professor of molecular engineering at the University of Chicago,” according to
National Public Radio also recommends not to wear masks with exhalation valves. Although they are easier to breath out of, they release unfiltered air putting others in danger if one is contagious.
“I use a cloth mask because I would rather spend $3 once than have to keep spending money on buying disposable ones,” English teacher Layne Jones said.