New club teaches value of promises

By: Isabelle Bubnick

Lewis Center, Ohio

‘Because I said I would’ started its first chapter in the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year to teach students about character and the importance of keeping promises. 

‘Because I said I would’ is a non-profit organization, founded by Alex Sheen, which teaches people how to make and keep promises. High school chapters were created to develop leadership, character, promise keeping skills and volunteerism. Meetings are open to anyone and occur on the third Tuesday of each month. Each meeting has a set of activities to focus on the monthly character trait.  

“We watch a little video that the founder Alex Sheen puts on, and then we discuss ways that we have used that character trait or ways that we can use that character trait to be better. Then we talk about how we can incorporate that character trait into a promise for the month ahead, and then we connect that to a trending topic in the world,” English teacher and chapter adviser Erin Centa said.

The chapter also has five leadership positions including chapter leader, volunteer project leader, logistics leader, fundraising leader and photojournalist leader.  The leaders are responsible for tasks such as planning fundraising events, documenting meetings and leading chapter meetings. 

Leadership members receive guidance from teachers, but they do most of the work and “are the ones who interact with students,” sophomore Praharna R.O, fundraiser leader, said. 

Although it’s a new program, ‘because I said I would’ has already had a positive impact on its members. 

“For me, personally, the club has taught me about the importance of taking action. It’s taught me that it’s easy to make plans and goals, but they’re only valuable and worthwhile if you follow through,” Rajesh said.  

The club also strives to positively impact its community through four volunteer projects. ‘because I said I would’ is coming up on its first volunteer project to help those less fortunate. 

From Jan. 21-28 ‘because I said I would’ will collect toiletries and winter items to donate to homeless veterans. They will also be assembling the care packages after school on Jan. 28, Centa said. 

There will be more meetings and volunteer projects happening throughout the rest of the school year. In the following years, the club also hopes to increase its membership and its impact on the community.